Publikationsliste Dr. Dörte Solle

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Richter, J., Wang, Q., Lange, F., Thiel, P., Yilmaz, N., Solle, D., Zhuang, X., & Beutel, S. (2025). Machine Learning-Powered Optimization of a CHO Cell Cultivation Process. Biotechnology and bioengineering. Vorabveröffentlichung online.
Thiel, P., Steinwedel, T., Raithel, P., Belz, M., & Solle, D. (2025). Development of a novel disposable flowcell for spectroscopic bioprocess monitoring. Measurement: Sensors, 38, Artikel 101862. Vorabveröffentlichung online.


Kortmann, C., Habib, T., Heuer, C., Solle, D., & Bahnemann, J. (2024). A Novel 3D-Printed and Miniaturized Periodic Counter Current Chromatography System for Continuous Purification of Monoclonal Antibodies. Micromachines, 15(3), Artikel 382.
Steinwedel, T., Raithel, P., Schellenberg, J., Kortmann, C., Gellermann, P., Belz, M., & Solle, D. (2024). Application of a Novel Disposable Flow Cell for Spectroscopic Bioprocess Monitoring. Chemosensors, 12(10), Artikel 202.


Kortmann, C., Habib, T., Solle, D., & Bahnemann, J. (2023). 3D-Druck zur Miniaturisierung von chromatographischen Anwendungen. BioSpektrum, 29(3), 276-277.
RIchter, J., Lange, F., Scheper, T., Solle, D., & Beutel, S. (2023). Digitale Zwillinge in der Bioprozesstechnik – Chancen und Möglichkeiten. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, 95(4), 498-510.
Schellenberg, J., Dehne, M., Lange, F., Scheper, T., Solle, D., & Bahnemann, J. (2023). Establishment of a Perfusion Process with Antibody-Producing CHO Cells Using a 3D-Printed Microfluidic Spiral Separator with Web-Based Flow Control. Bioengineering, 10(6), Artikel 656.
Wohlenberg, O. J., Kortmann, C., Meyer, K. V., Scheper, T., & Solle, D. (2023). Employing QbD strategies to assess the impact of cell viability and density on the primary recovery of monoclonal antibodies. Engineering in life sciences, 23(2), Artikel e202200056.


Schellenberg, J., Nagraik, T., Wohlenberg, O. J., Ruhl, S., Bahnemann, J., Scheper, T., & Solle, D. (2022). Stress-induced increase of monoclonal antibody production in CHO cells. Engineering in life sciences, 22(5), 427-436.,
Wohlenberg, O. J., Kortmann, C., Meyer, K. V., Schellenberg, J., Dahlmann, K., Bahnemann, J., Scheper, T., & Solle, D. (2022). Optimization of a mAb production process with regard to robustness and product quality using quality by design principles. Engineering in life sciences, 22(7), 484-494.,