apl. Prof. Dr. Sascha Beutel

apl. Prof. Dr. Sascha Beutel
Callinstraße 3-9
30167 Hannover
30167 Hannover

apl. Prof. Dr. Sascha Beutel
Chairperson of the Examination Board
Examination Board Life Science (BSc) / (MSc)
Safety Officers
Institute of Technical Chemistry
Representatives for Research Staff
Examination Board Life Science (BSc) / (MSc)
Representatives for Research Staff
Admissions Board for MSc Life Science
Deputy Representatives for Research Staff
Curriculum and Teaching Committee, Life Science (BSc / MSc)
Other Teaching Staff/Employees
Institute of Technical Chemistry
Focus in research and teaching
- Bioprocess development for cultivation and enzyme technology applications
- Development of materials and purification processes in downstream processing
- Development of reactor and sensor concepts as well as bioanalytical processes in biotechnology
- Digitisation strategies for interactive laboratory work