List of Publications Dr. Dörte Solle

Showing results 21 - 30 out of 63


Schellenberg, J., Nagraik, T., Bahnemann, J., Solle, D., & Scheper, T. (2019). Impact of stress on the productivity in mammalian cells. Poster session presented at Conference of Scientific Cooperation between Lower Saxony and Israel, Hannover.
Steinwedel, T., Dahlmann, K., Solle, D., Scheper, T., Reardon, K. F., & Lammers, F. (2019). Sensors for disposable bioreactor systems. In R. Eibl, & D. Eibl (Eds.), Single-Use Technology in Biopharmaceutical Manufacture (2. ed., pp. 69-82). Wiley-Blackwell.


Koepler, O., Jung, N., Kraft, A., Neumann, J., Auer, S., Bach, F., Bähr, T., Engel, T., Kettner, C., Kowol-Santen, J., Liermann, J., Lipp, A., Porzel, A., Razum, M., Schlörer, N., Solle, D., & Winkler, T. (2018). Thesenpapier Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur für die Chemie (NFDI4Chem). Zenodo.
König, J. C., Steinwedel, T., Solle, D., Lindner, P., De Vries, I., Hentrop, T., Findeis, M., John, G. T., Scheper, T., & Beutel, S. (2018). Development and characterisation of a new fluorescence sensor for online monitoring of bioprocesses. Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems, 7(2), 461-467.,
Mehl, A., Solle, D., Bahnemann, J., & Scheper, T. (2018). Produktaufreinigung und Produktanalytik in der Tierzellkultivierung. ProcessNet-Jahrestagung und 33. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen 2018, Aachen.


Allers, M., Reinecke, T., Nagraik, T., Solle, D., Bakes, K., Berger, M., Scheper, T., & Zimmermann, S. (2017). Differential Inductive Sensor for Continuous Non-Invasive Cell Growth Monitoring in Disposable Bioreactors. In Proceedings of Eurosensors 2017: Paris, France, 3-6 September 2017 (4 ed., Vol. 1). Article 518 (Proceedings).
Busse, C., Biechele, P., de Vries, I., Reardon, K. F., Solle, D., & Scheper, T. (2017). Sensors for disposable bioreactors. Engineering in life sciences, 17(8), 940-952.
Claßen, J., Aupert, F., Reardon, K. F., Solle, D., & Scheper, T. (2017). Spectroscopic sensors for in-line bioprocess monitoring in research and pharmaceutical industrial application. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 409(3), 651-666.
Glyk, A., Solle, D., Scheper, T., & Beutel, S. (2017). Evaluation of Driving Forces for Protein Partition in PEG-Salt Aqueous Two- Phase Systems and Optimization by Design of Experiments. Journal of chromatography & separation techniques, 8(6).
Reinecke, T., Biechele, P., Sobocinski, M., Suhr, H., Bakes, K., Solle, D., Jantunen, H., Scheper, T., & Zimmermann, S. (2017). Continuous noninvasive monitoring of cell growth in disposable bioreactors. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 251, 1009-1017.