Publikationsliste Prof. Dr. Thomas Scheper

Zeige Ergebnisse 741 - 750 von 782


Meyer, E. R., Scheper, T., Hitzmann, B., & Schügerl, K. (1988). Immobilization of enzymes in liquid membranes for enantioselective hydrolysis. Biotechnology Techniques, 2(2), 127-132.
Müller, W., Wehnert, G., & Scheper, T. (1988). Fluorescence monitoring of immobilzed microorganisms in cultures. Analytica chimica acta, 213(C), 47-53.
Schmidt, W., Scheper, T., & Schügerl, K. (1988). Ethanol production with Zymomonas mobilis with synthetic medium in batch operation. Bioprocess Engineering, 3(3), 129-133.
Schuegerl, K., Scheper, T., & Degener, W. (1988). Anwendungsgebiete der Fluessigmembrantechnik. In Reaktionstechnik und Stoffaustauschtechnik in dispersen Zweiphasensystemen (S. 315-331). (Dechema Monographien (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chemisches Apparatewesen); Band 114).


Appel, K. E., Görsdorf, S., Scheper, T., Bauszus, M., & Hildebrandt, A. G. (1987). Enzymatic denitrosation of diphenylnitrosamine: activation or inactivation? Archives of Toxicology, 60.
Appel, K. E., Görsdorf, S., Scheper, T., Ruf, H. H., Rühl, C. S., & Hildebrandt, A. G. (1987). Metabolic denitrosation of diphenylnitrosamine: a possible bioactivation pathway. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 113.
Appel, K. E., Schöpcke, M., Scheper, T., Görsdorf, S., Bauszus, M., Rühl, C. S., Kramer, R., Ruf, H. H., Spiegelhalder, B., Wiessler, M., & Hildebrandt, A. G. (1987). Some aspects of cytochrome P450-dependent denitrosation of N-nitrosamines. In The Relevance of N-Nitroso Compounds to Human Cancer: Exposures and Mechanisms (IARC Scientific Publication; Band 84).
Gebauer, A., Scheper, T., & Schügerl, K. (1987). Growth of E. coli in a stirred tank and in an air lift tower reactor with an outer loop. Bioprocess Engineering, 2(1), 13-23.
Gebauer, A., Scheper, T., & Schügerl, K. (1987). Penicillin acylase production by E. coli. Bioprocess Engineering, 2(2), 55-58.
Hoffmann, H., Scheper, T., Schügerl, K., & Schmidt, W. (1987). Use of membranes to improve bioreactor performance. The Chemical Engineering Journal, 34(1), B13-B19.