Publikationsliste Prof. Dr. Thomas Scheper

Zeige Ergebnisse 441 - 450 von 782


Rehbock, C., Beutel, S., Brückerhoff, T., Hitzmann, B., Riechers, D., Rudolph, G., Stahl, F., Scheper, T., & Friehs, K. (2008). Bioprozessanalytik. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, 80(3), 267-286.
Rode, B., Endres, C., Ran, C., Stahl, F., Beutel, S., Kasper, C., Galuska, S., Geyer, R., Mühlenhoff, M., Gerardy-Schahn, R., & Scheper, T. (2008). Large-scale production and homogenous purification of long chain polysialic acids from E. coli K1. Journal of biotechnology, 135(2), 202-209.
Sheehy, A., Martinez, G., Frerichs, J. G., & Scheper, T. (2008). Region and Contour Based Cell Cluster Segmentation Algorithm for In-Situ Microscopy. In 2008 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control (S. 168-172)
Stark, Y., Bruns, S., Stahl, F., Kasper, C., Wesemann, M., Grothe, C., & Scheper, T. (2008). A study on polysialic acid as a biomaterial for cell culture applications. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A, 85A(1), 1-13.,
Villain, L., Meyer, L., Kroll, S., Beutel, S., & Scheper, T. (2008). Development of a Novel Membrane Aerated Hollow-Fiber Microbioreactor. Biotechnology progress, 24(2), 367-371.
Walter, J. G., Kökpinar, Ö., Friehs, K., Stahl, F., & Scheper, T. (2008). Systematic Investigation of Optimal Aptamer Immobilization for Protein-Microarray Applications. Analytical chemistry, 80(19), 7372-7378.


Anton, F., Burzlaff, A., Kasper, C., Brückerhoff, T., & Scheper, T. (2007). Preliminary Study towards the Useof In-situ Microscopy for the Online Analysis of Microcarrier Cultivations. Engineering in life sciences, 7(1), 91-96.
Anton, F., Tappe, A., Kasper, C., Loa, A., Wilhelm, B.-U., & Scheper, T. (2007). The Production of Human Growth Hormone. In Cell Technology for Cell Products
Baumfalk, R., Reif, O. W., Scheper, T., Riechers, D., Hayden, R., & Nuzzo, P. (2007). Einwegbioreaktor mit Sensoranordnung. (Patent Nr. DE202007005399U1). Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt (DPMA).
Baumfalk, R., Reif, O.-W., Scheper, T., & Fritzsche, M. (2007). Oxygen sensor and measuring method. (Patent Nr. US2007160500).