
Institut für Technische Chemie

Zeige Ergebnisse 981 - 990 von 1728


Sandor, M., Rüdinger, F., Bienert, R., Grimm, C., Solle, D., & Scheper, T. (2013). Comparative study of non-invasive monitoring via infrared spectroscopy for mammalian cell cultivations. Journal of biotechnology, 168(4), 636-645.
Sandor, M., Rüdinger, F., Solle, D., Bienert, R., Grimm, C., Groß, S., & Scheper, T. (2013). NIR-spectroscopy for bioprocess monitoring & control.
Sandor, M., Rüdinger, F., Solle, D., Bienert, R., Grimm, C., & Scheper, T. (2013). NIR Spectroscopy for Process Monitoring and Control in Mammalian Cell Cultivation. BioProcess International, 11(8), 40-48.
Scheper, T., & Stahl, F. (2013). Verbesserung der Gewebequalität von Corneatransplantaten mittels einer neuartigen Bioreaktortechnologie (KORNEA): Teilprojekt 3: Entwicklung von Bioprozess-Techniken. TCI.
Schneider, J., & Bahnemann, D. W. (2013). Undesired role of sacrificial reagents in photocatalysis. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters.
Schoenbeck, I., Graf, A. M., Leuthold, M., Pastor, A., Beutel, S., & Scheper, T. (2013). Purification of high value proteins from particle containing potato fruit juice via direct capture membrane adsorption chromatography. Journal of biotechnology, 168(4), 693-700.
Seras-Franzoso, J., Peebo, K., Luis Corchero, J., Tsimbouri, P. M., Unzueta, U., Rinas, U., Dalby, M. J., Vazquez, E., García-Fruitós, E., & Villaverde, A. (2013). A nanostructured bacterial bioscaffold for the sustained bottom-up delivery of protein drugs. Nanomedicine, 8(10), 1587-1599.
Sofianou, M.-V., Psycharis, V., Boukos, N., Vaimakis, T., Yu, J., Dillert, R., Bahnemann, D., & Trapalis, C. (2013). Tuning the photocatalytic selectivity of TiO2 anatase nanoplates by altering the exposed crystal facets content. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental.
Stanke, M., Lindner, P., Holz, S., & Hitzmann, B. (2013). Automated sonic velocity calculation based on ultrasonic resonator measurements for on-line process monitoring. Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 198, 69-74.
Tscheschke, B., Dreimann, J., von der Ruhr, J. W., Schmidt, T., Just, L., Stahl, F., & Scheper, T. (2013). Charakterisierung von Nebelkammerreaktoren mit Ultraschallzerstäubung.