
Institut für Technische Chemie

Zeige Ergebnisse 791 - 800 von 1728


Biechele, P., Busse, C., Solle, D., Scheper, T., & Reardon, K. (2015). Sensor systems for bioprocess monitoring. Engineering in life sciences, 15(5), 469-488.
Charwat, V., Schütze, K., Holnthoner, W., Lavrentieva, A., Gangnus, R., Hofbauer, P., Hoffmann, C., Angres, B., & Kasper, C. (2015). Potential and limitations of microscopy and Raman spectroscopy for live-cell analysis of 3D cell cultures. Journal of biotechnology, 205, 70-81.
Curti, M., Schneider, J., Bahnemann, D. W., & Mendive, C. B. (2015). Inverse Opal Photonic Crystals as a Strategy to Improve Photocatalysis: Underexplored Questions. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 6(19), 3903-3910.
Dillert, R., Taffa, D. H., Wark, M., Bredow, T., & Bahnemann, D. W. (2015). Research Update: Photoelectrochemical water splitting and photocatalytic hydrogen production using ferrites (MFe2O4) under visible light irradiation. APL materials, 3(10), Artikel 104001.
Dreimann, J., Schmidt, T., Tscheschke, B., Jürgen, J. W., Just, L., Stahl, F., & Scheper, T. (2015). Der Nebelkammer‐Reaktor – Neuartiges Reaktorkonzept für anspruchsvolle Kultivierungen. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, 87(6), 773-780.
Endres, C., Fraser, S. J., Edwards, W., Beutel, S., & Scheper, T. (2015). Steady-state biofilm cultivation of Aspergillus niger D15 in a ceramic capillary membrane bioreactor. Pharmaceutical Bioprocessing, 3(2).
Engel, A., Glyk, A., Hülsewig, A., Große, J., Dillert, R., & Bahnemann, D. W. (2015). Determination of the photocatalytic deposition velocity. Chemical engineering journal, 261, 88-94.
Engel, A., Große, J., Dillert, R., & Bahnemann, D. W. (2015). The influence of irradiance and humidity on the photocatalytic conversion of nitrogen(II) oxide. Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, 18(2), 195-203.
Etacheri, V., Di Valentin, C., Schneider, J., Bahnemann, D., & Pillai, S. C. (2015). Visible-light activation of TiO2 photocatalysts: Advances in theory and experiments. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews, 25, 1-29.
Faycal Atitar, M., Ismail, A. A., Al-Sayari, S. A., Bahnemann, D., Afanasev, D., & Emeline, A. V. (2015). Mesoporous TiO2 nanocrystals as efficient photocatalysts: Impact of calcination temperature and phase transformation on photocatalytic performance. Chemical engineering journal, 264, 417-424.