
Institut für Technische Chemie

Zeige Ergebnisse 251 - 260 von 1727


Frey, L. J., Vorländer, D., Ostsieker, H., Rasch, D., Lohse, J. L., Breitfeld, M., Grosch, J. H., Wehinger, G. D., Bahnemann, J., & Krull, R. (2021). 3D-printed micro bubble column reactor with integrated microsensors for biotechnological applications: From design to evaluation. Scientific reports, 11(1), Artikel 7276.
Günnemann, C., Curti, M., Sieland, F., & Bahnemann, D. W. (2021). Charge Carriers in Commercial Photocatalysts: Fractal Kinetics and Effect of “Inert” Additives. Topics in catalysis, 64(13-16), 737-747.
Günnemann, C., Bahnemann, D. W., & Robertson, P. K. J. (2021). Isotope Effects in Photocatalysis: An Underexplored Issue. ACS Omega, 6(17), 11113-11121.
Günnemann, C. (2021). Photoelektrochemische Untersuchungen von anodischen und kathodischen Prozessen in Perowskit-Einkristallen und TiO2 -Elektroden. [Dissertation, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Heene, S., Thoms, S., Kalies, S., Wegner, N., Peppermüller, P., Born, N., Walther, F., Scheper, T., & Blume, C. A. (2021). Vascular Network Formation on Macroporous Polydioxanone Scaffolds. Tissue Engineering - Part A, 27(19-20), 1239-1249.
Heuer, C., Bahnemann, J., Scheper, T., & Segal, E. (2021). Paving the Way to Overcome Antifungal Drug Resistance: Current Practices and Novel Developments for Rapid and Reliable Antifungal Susceptibility Testing. Small Methods, 5(11), Artikel 2100713.
Ismail, A. A., Al-Hajji, L. A., Alsaidi, M., Nunes, B. N., & Bahnemann, D. W. (2021). Pyrolysis conversion of metal organic frameworks to form uniform codoped C/N-Titania photocatalyst for H2 production through simulated solar light. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 407, Artikel 113037.
Jastram, A., Claus, J., Janmey, P. A., & Kragl, U. (2021). Rheological properties of hydrogels based on ionic liquids. Polymer testing, 93, Artikel 106943.
Kadi, M. W., Mohamed, R. M., & Bahnemann, D. W. (2021). Construction of mesoporous CdO/g-C3N4 nanocomposites for photooxidation of ciprofloxacin under visible light exposure. Optical materials, 122, Artikel 111816.
Kadi, M. W., Mohamed, R. M., & Bahnemann, D. W. (2021). Controlled synthesis of Ag2O/g-C3N4 heterostructures using soft and hard templates for efficient and enhanced visible-light degradation of ciprofloxacin. Ceramics International, 47(22), 31073-31083.