
Institut für Technische Chemie

Zeige Ergebnisse 1231 - 1240 von 1728


Ralla, K., Anton, F., Scheper, T., & Kasper, C. (2009). Simultane Bestimmung von IgG, Insulin und Transferrin in Kulturmedium mittels Tandem‐LC. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 81(8).
Repenning, C., Reck, M., Stahl, F., Scheper, T., & Hitzmann, B. (2009). DNA-Chip-Auswertung: Aufgaben und Verfahren zur Mikroarray-Analyse. BioSpektrum, 15(6), 646-648.
Rober, M., Walter, J., Vlakh, E., Stahl, F., Kasper, C., & Tennikova, T. (2009). New 3-D microarray platform based on macroporous polymer monoliths. Analytica chimica acta, 644(1-2), 95-103.
Röker, S., Diederichs, S., Stark, Y., Böhm, S., Ochoa, I., Sanz, J. A., García-Aznar, J. M., Doblaré, M., Van Griensven, M., Scheper, T., & Kasper, C. (2009). Novel 3D biomaterials for tissue engineering based on collagen and macroporous ceramics. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 40(1-2), 54-60.
Rudolph, G., Lindner, P., Bluma, A., Joeris, K., Martinez, G., Hitzmann, B., & Scheper, T. (2009). Optical Inline Measurement Procedures for Counting and Sizing Cells in Bioprocess Technology. In T. Scheper (Hrsg.), Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology (S. 125-142). (Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology; Band 116).
Schwarzer, D., Stummeyer, K., Haselhorst, T., Freiberger, F., Rode, B., Grove, M., Scheper, T., Von Itzstein, M., Mühlenhoff, M., & Gerady-Schahn, R. (2009). Proteolytic Release of the Intramolecular Chaperone Domain Confers Processivity to Endosialidase F. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284(14), 9465-9474.
Sohling, U., Ruf, F., Schurz, K., Emmerich, K., Steudel, A., Schuhmann, R., Weidler, P., Ralla, K., Riechers, D., Kasper, C., & Scheper, T. (2009). Natural mixture of silica and smectite as a new clayey material for industrial applications. Clay minerals, 44(4), 525-537.
Solle, D., Hitzmann, B., Schirmer, M., & Becker, T. (2009). Digital image analysis for the optimal control of bread and rolls baking. 666-671. Beitrag in 5th International Technical Symposium on Food Processing, Monitoring Technology in Bioprocesses and Food Quality Management, Potsdam, Deutschland.
Sommer, B., Friehs, K., Flaschel, E., Reck, M., Stahl, F., & Scheper, T. (2009). Extracellular production and affinity purification of recombinant proteins with Escherichia coli using the versatility of the maltose binding protein. Journal of biotechnology, 140(3-4), 194-202.
Tippkötter, N., Stückmann, H., Kroll, S., Winkelmann, G., Noack, U., Scheper, T., & Ulber, R. (2009). A semi-quantitative dipstick assay for microcystin. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 394(3), 863-869.