List of Publications Prof. Dr. Thomas Scheper
Showing results 511 - 520 out of 782
Menzel, F., Kasper, C., Scheper, T., & Zeidler, R. (2005). Abtrennung wertvoller kartoffelproteine mit hilfe von membranadsorbern. BioSpektrum, 11(1), 105-106.
Scheper, T. (2005). Foreword. In Biotechnology for the Future (pp. IX-X). (Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology; Vol. 100).
Scheper, T., & Ulber, R. (2005). Innovatives Baukastensystem zum integrierten Downstreamprocessing von Pharmatargets auf der Basis modularer Membranadsorbertechnologie.
Scheper, T. (2005). Special issue on Micro-Bioprocess Engineering. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 28(2).
Stahl, F., Reck, M., Walter, J., & Scheper, T. (2005). DNA and protein arrays in biotechnology. Cell Proliferation, 38(4), 201-202. Article L58.
Suck, K., Walter, J., Menzel, F., Tappe, A., Kasper, C., Naumann, C., Zeidler, R., & Scheper, T. (2005). Fast and efficient protein purification using membrane adsorber systems. Journal of biotechnology, 121(3), 361-367.
Tappe, A., Kretzmer, G., Kasper, C., Scheper, T., Korzhikova-Vlakh, E., & Tennikova, T. B. (2005). Comparison of Complementary Interactions between Synthetic Ligands and t-PA by Hpmdc. In Animal Cell Technology Meets Genomics (ESACT Proceedings; Vol. 2).
Burzlaff, A., Brethauer, S., Kasper, C., Jackisch, B. O., & Scheper, T. (2004). Flow Cytometry: Interesting Tool for Studying Binding Behavior of DNA on Inorganic Layered Double Hydroxide (LDH). Cytometry Part A, 62A(1), 65-69.
Joeris, K., Goudar, C., Zhang, C., Michaels, J., Matanguihan, C., Heidemann, R., Johnson, A., Frerichs, J. G., Scheper, T., Knoll, A., Lehmann, J., & Konstantinov, K. (2004). Towards complete automation of mammalian cell culture perfusion processes. IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), 37(3), 387-391.
Pundsack, E., & Scheper, T. (2004). Application of Zeolites in the Downstream Processing of the Character Impact Compound 2,5-Dimethyl-4-hydroxy-furan-3-one (Furaneol). Acta Biotechnologica, 20(3-4), 275-288.