List of Publications Prof. Dr. Thomas Scheper

Showing results 141 - 150 out of 782


Urmann, K., Reich, P., Walter, J. G., Beckmann, D., Segal, E., & Scheper, T. (2017). Rapid and label-free detection of protein a by aptamer-tethered porous silicon nanostructures. Journal of biotechnology, 257, 171-177.
von der Haar, M., Lindner, P., Scheper, T., & Stahl, F. (2017). Array Analysis Manager - An automated DNAmicroarray analysis tool simplifying microarraydata filtering, bias recognition, normalization,and expression analysis. Engineering in life sciences, 17(8), 841-846.
Witt, M., Phung, N. L., Stalke, A., Walter, J. G., Stahl, F., von Neuhoff, N., & Scheper, T. (2017). Comparing two conventional methods of emulsion PCR and optimizing of Tegosoft-based emulsion PCR. Engineering in life sciences, 17(8), 953-958.,
Zashikhina, N. N., Volokitina, M. V., Korzhikov-Vlakh, V. A., Tarasenko, I. I., Lavrentieva, A., Scheper, T., Rühl, E., Orlova, R. V., Tennikova, T. B., & Korzhikova-Vlakh, E. G. (2017). Self-assembled polypeptide nanoparticles for intracellular irinotecan delivery. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 109, 1-12.


Ag Seleci, D., Seleci, M., Walter, J. G., Stahl, F., & Scheper, T. (2016). Niosomes as Nanoparticular Drug Carriers: Fundamentals and Recent Applications. Journal of nanomaterials, 2016, Article 7372306.
Aguilar Cascante, F. J., Hartwig, S., Alemdar, S., Frister, T., Scheper, T., & Beutel, S. (2016). Scale up of the production and purification of the novel recombinant zizaene synthase for the biotransformation of the khusimol precursor (+)-zizaene. Poster session presented at International Congress on Biocatalysis, Hamburg.
Alemdar, S., Hartwig, S., Frister, T., König, J. C., Scheper, T., & Beutel, S. (2016). Biotechnological production of the sesquiterpene α‐humulene. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, 88(9).
Aupert, F., Solle, D., & Scheper, T. (2016). Multivariate Batch‐Modelle zur spektroskopiebasierten Überwachung von CHO‐Kultivierungen. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, 88(9).
Austerjost, J., Raddatz, L., Lindner, P., Endres, C., Scheper, T., & Beutel, S. (2016). Smartglasses for a Digitally Supported Laboratory Workflow. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, 88(9), 1309-1310.
Beutel, S., Villain, L., & Scheper, T. (2016). Industrial Application of Membrane Chromatography for the Purification of Enzymes. In Applied Biocatalysis: From Fundamental Science to Industrial Applications (pp. 297-316). Wiley-VCH Verlag.