
Institute of Technical Chemistry

Showing results 951 - 960 out of 1728


Havlik, I., Reardon, K. F., Ünal, M., Lindner, P., Prediger, A., Babitzky, A., Beutel, S., & Scheper, T. (2013). Monitoring of microalgal cultivations with on-line, flow-through microscopy. Algal Research, 2(3), 253-257.,
Havlik, I., Lindner, P., Scheper, T., & Reardon, K. F. (2013). On-line monitoring of large cultivations of microalgae and cyanobacteria. Trends in biotechnology, 31(7), 406-414.
Henkel, S., & Beutel, S. (2013). Determination of pH value in biotechnology | Messung des pH-Werts in der Biotechnologie. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik.
Ismail, A. A., Al-Sayari, S. A., & Bahnemann, D. W. (2013). Photodeposition of precious metals onto mesoporous TiO2 nanocrystals with enhanced their photocatalytic activity for methanol oxidation. Catalysis today.
Ismail, A. A., Geioushy, R. A., Bouzid, H., Al-Sayari, S. A., Al-Hajry, A., & Bahnemann, D. W. (2013). TiO2 decoration of graphene layers for highly efficient photocatalyst: Impact of calcination at different gas atmosphere on photocatalytic efficiency. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental.
Ivanova, I., Schneider, J., Gutzmann, H., Kliemann, J.-O., Gärtner, F., Klassen, T., Bahnemann, D., & Mendive, C. B. (2013). Photocatalytic degradation of oxalic and dichloroacetic acid on TiO2 coated metal substrates. Catalysis today, 209, 84-90.
Jonczyk, P., Takenberg, M., Hartwig, S., Beutel, S., Berger, R. G., & Scheper, T. (2013). Cultivation of shear stress sensitive microorganisms in disposable bag reactor systems. Journal of biotechnology, 167(4), 370-376.
Kaiser, S. C., Fietz, F., Steiger, N., Eibl, D., Büring, M., Beutel, S., Scheper, T., Beutler, F., & John, G. (2013). P2 - Bridging the Gap - Connecting Single-Use Sensors to Standard Controllers. In SENSOR 2013 proceedings
Kaleta, C., Schäuble, S., Rinas, U., & Schuster, S. (2013). Metabolic costs of amino acid and protein production in Escherichia coli. Biotechnology journal, 8(9), 1105-1114.
Kandiel, T. A., Robben, L., Alkaim, A., & Bahnemann, D. (2013). Brookite versus anatase TiO2 photocatalysts: Phase transformations and photocatalytic activities. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences.