
Institute of Technical Chemistry

Showing results 1371 - 1380 out of 1728


Liu, I., Lawton, L. A., Bahnemann, D. W., & Robertson, P. K. J. (2005). The photocatalytic destruction of the cyanotoxin, nodularin using TiO2. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental.
Martinez, G., Frerichs, J. G., Joeris, K., Konstantinov, K., & Scheper, T. (2005). Cell density estimation from a still image for in-situ microscopy. In 2005 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP '05) (Vol. 5, pp. II497-II500). (IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing).
Mendive, C. B., Bahnemann, D. W., & Blesa, M. A. (2005). Microscopic characterization of the photocatalytic oxidation of oxalic acid adsorbed onto TiO2 by FTIR-ATR. Catalysis today.
Menzel, F., Kasper, C., Scheper, T., & Zeidler, R. (2005). Abtrennung wertvoller kartoffelproteine mit hilfe von membranadsorbern. BioSpektrum, 11(1), 105-106.
Muneer, M., Qamar, M., Saquib, M., & Bahnemann, D. W. (2005). Heterogeneous photocatalysed reaction of three selected pesticide derivatives, propham, propachlor and tebuthiuron in aqueous suspensions of titanium dioxide. CHEMOSPHERE.
Muneer, M., Bahnemann, D., Qamar, M., Tariq, M. A., & Faisal, M. (2005). Photocatalysed reaction of few selected organic systems in presence of titanium dioxide. Applied Catalysis A: General.
Muneer, M., Qamar, M., & Bahnemann, D. (2005). Photoinduced electron transfer reaction of few selected organic systems in presence of titanium dioxide. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical.
Qamar, M., Muneer, M., & Bahnemann, D. (2005). Titanium-dioxide-mediated photocatalysed reaction of selected organic systems. Research on chemical intermediates.
Rhee, J. I., Lee, K. I., Kim, C. K., Yim, Y. S., Chung, S. W., Wei, J., & Bellgardt, K. H. (2005). Classification of two-dimensional fluorescence spectra using self-organizing maps. Biochemical engineering journal, 22(2), 135-144.
Sagawe, G., Brandi, R. J., Bahnemann, D., & Cassano, A. E. (2005). Photocatalytic reactors for treating water pollution with solar illumination: A simplified analysis for n-steps flow reactors with recirculation. Solar Energy.